Happy New Year! Let’s celebrate by laughing at more Small Dick Energy

Thanks for this, Greta Thunberg. I <3 you! On another note, here’s a couple of our small Disqus dicks hilariously talking about being “professional writers” while being incoherent: Better check your CO2 detectors, guys! You’re definitely suffering from confusion (not knowing why you’re banned from, well, everywhere decent), blurred vision (not being able to see…

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Hold the presses! An internet troll has found several “cures” for COVID!

That’s right ladies, gentlemen, and troll hangers-on — a pool cleaner has found some cures for COVID!* Isn’t that amazing? Apparently, having blood, taking geriatric vitamins, and huffing chlorine, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide could have saved hundreds of thousands of people! If you have any of the following symptoms, at least you’re dying from something…

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The ATDT Book Review

We here at As the Disq Turns like to keep our content fresh and highly intellectual, so we’ve decided to add a new Book Review segment. Enjoy! “Lemons Aren’t The Only Fruit – Or Are They Minerals?” by Morel “Joe” Mahoney Winner of the Karen Prize for dumbest fiction, Lemons Aren’t The Only Fruit –…

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