
A brief PSA on “cussing”

On this holy day (for Christians, no one else gives a fuck), it’s important to remember that nothing in this world is more wrong that cussing! That’s right, AtDT flock, cussin’ is worse than: Raping a child Blaming a child for being raped Beating your wife Racism Sexism Being a complete motherfucking asshole So whatever…

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Paranoia and You

We here at AtDT are always concerned about the well being of our fans, especially the ones who obviously have severe mental issues. This is the second installment of our series, which began with “Schizotypal Personality Disorder and You“. Today, we’ll discuss something or biggest “fans” suffer from: …like when people blame “ATDT” for everything…

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How dare AtDT quote trolls verbatim?!

Wow, we must be really awful people for screencapping what trolls say online! You know, stuff like this: Or when someone pretends (badly) to not be a racist pig and gets upset when they’re called out: Or my personal favorite, people whose every comment is completely fucking racist and/or idiotic: But pointing out these trolls…

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Aliens vs Racists

(Illegal) Aliens are apparently messing with the Disqus word filters on racist sites! Not only that, but these same nameless (Illegal) Aliens have apparently given Vampire Racist an anal probe! Not just one, but continuously for a year! Guess he liked it. But what do these aliens want from us? POLITICAL “CONTROLNESS”! [sic] But wait!…

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In Soviet Russia, You Troll Russian Bot!

It looks like some Russian bot is upset that it’s been banned at AtDT. And it’s apparently related to Gerald because it can’t figure out who moderates here. Sorry Ms. G! But maybe it’s all a mistake. Let’s see what scintillating conversation this bot offers: Well, that cinches it! You’re totally unbanned, disqus shitty platform!

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