Author: Coccyx

  • Welcome, new AtDT mascot!

    Welcome, new AtDT mascot!

    Pinkie Pie has decided to resign as the AtDT mascot. She will be entering rehab after being found in flagrante delicto in a bath house with Gargamel from the Smurfs. Our new mascot is now El Kabong (and his sidekick Baba Looey):

    Kabong away!

  • Trailers!


    Some new trailers that may or may not look like crap.

    I am unimpressed. Looks more like Children of the Corn.
    Completely not how I pictured Vimes.
    Maybe? Meh
    I have no idea WTF this is about, but looks interesting
    I’m sure Alan Moore hates this
    Norwegian Firestarter?
    I’ll watch any Pegg/Frost thing

    Discuss amongst yourselves.

  • Shoo, fly, don’t bother me!

    Shoo, fly, don’t bother me!

    And the memes just keep on comin’:

    This one’s for Johnny Lawrence | Vice Patriot

  • Republican Death Pool

    Republican Death Pool

    Place your bets!**

    **NOTE: No actual bets will be taken. Enjoy at your own risk.

  • A brief PSA on “cussing”

    A brief PSA on “cussing”

    On this holy day (for Christians, no one else gives a fuck), it’s important to remember that nothing in this world is more wrong that cussing!

    That’s right, AtDT flock, cussin’ is worse than:

    • Raping a child
    • Blaming a child for being raped
    • Beating your wife
    • Racism
    • Sexism
    • Being a complete motherfucking asshole

    So whatever you do, don’t cuss, you pieces of shit!

  • Paranoia and You

    Paranoia and You

    We here at AtDT are always concerned about the well being of our fans, especially the ones who obviously have severe mental issues. This is the second installment of our series, which began with “Schizotypal Personality Disorder and You“. Today, we’ll discuss something or biggest “fans” suffer from:

    Paranoia is an instinct or thought process which is believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of delusion and irrationality. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself (i.e. the American colloquial phrase, “Everyone is out to get me”). Paranoia is distinct from phobias, which also involve irrational fear, but usually no blame. Making false accusations and the general distrust of other people also frequently accompany paranoia. For example, a paranoid person might believe an incident was intentional when most people would view it as an accident or coincidence. Paranoia is a central symptom of psychosis.

    …like when people blame “ATDT” for everything that happens to them:

    Next time, we’ll discuss “self-importance”, which is when someone you never even heard of thinks you’d want to follow them for no reason.

    …or pretending that anyone would watch them on purpose, “stalk” them, or believes they can “glance” at people through a computer screen:

    If you think you may be paranoid, take the following quiz like certain 64 year old ATDT-obsessed male from Nevada did to see if you need help:

    Don’t be like the mystery quiz-taker above. Seek professional help if you score that high.

    AtDT is here for you.

  • How dare AtDT quote trolls verbatim?!

    Wow, we must be really awful people for screencapping what trolls say online!

    You know, stuff like this:

    Stop doxxing yourself, moron.

    Or when someone pretends (badly) to not be a racist pig and gets upset when they’re called out:

    Or my personal favorite, people whose every comment is completely fucking racist and/or idiotic:

    The only “traitor” to the human race (and common decency) is you, Nurse Ratchet.
    PROTIPS: There were no protests because the shooter was caught and brought to justice immediately. The only lives that don’t matter are racist fucks’ lives like yours. HTH

    But pointing out these trolls and showing the world what they said is BAD, mmmkay? So definitely don’t post more of their idiocy in the comments, because that would be wrong!

  • Aliens vs Racists

    Aliens vs Racists

    (Illegal) Aliens are apparently messing with the Disqus word filters on racist sites!

    Did you know that not calling people the N-word is now “Pro-BLM”? Huh. I thought it was just “not being a racist piece of shit”.

    Not only that, but these same nameless (Illegal) Aliens have apparently given Vampire Racist an anal probe! Not just one, but continuously for a year! Guess he liked it.

    Where, Molly? Could it be…ALIENS?!

    But what do these aliens want from us? POLITICAL “CONTROLNESS”! [sic]

    What the actual fuck is “political controlness”, you moron?

    But wait! There’s more! DISQUS IS RUN BY (ILLEGAL) ALIENS!

    No one will “go down” anywhere near you, Vampire Racist.

    Huh, it seems the Disqus Aliens have a TOS. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?! THEY DON’T EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH!

  • How do we solve a problem like Solutions Only?  By deleting the motherfucker!

    How do we solve a problem like Solutions Only? By deleting the motherfucker!

    Score: ATDT: 1,000,000, Everyone else: 0

    Hey Gerald – I hear that is available. You should snap it up!

  • In Soviet Russia, You Troll Russian Bot!

    In Soviet Russia, You Troll Russian Bot!

    It looks like some Russian bot is upset that it’s been banned at AtDT.

    And it’s apparently related to Gerald because it can’t figure out who moderates here. Sorry Ms. G!

    But maybe it’s all a mistake. Let’s see what scintillating conversation this bot offers:

    Not only is Disqus a shitty platform, but you can tell YOURSELF it’s a shitty platform over and over again! Such cheek!
    So very scintillating! Like “hey sweatty” all over again!
    Per Google Translate: “Time to form a milf evacuation squad immediately!!”

    Well, that cinches it! You’re totally unbanned, disqus shitty platform!

  • Pathetic troll threatens to take AtDT down…again

    Pathetic troll threatens to take AtDT down…again

    …because it’s worked every other time he’s threatened AtDT – oh wait

    This pathetic troll is awed and fascinated by the size of Forkless’s e-peen. You can just see the drool drip down his face at the thought of butting up against Forkless’s manhood:

    And he’s still pretending he “blocks AtDT“. Bless.

    Maybe he should call in a fake Zeta sock – oh wait

    He and this guy should get together. Wait, now they can be together forever!

    Now for sale!

    It’s a happy ending!

  • Newsflash:  TGO shut down!

    Newsflash: TGO shut down!

    Pedo-pal Wishin-he-wasn’t-insane has claimed that Attention Whore Eri has had TGO shut down:

    LOL good luck shutting ATDT down, losers!

    But wait – wasn’t he the one constantly whining about TGO and threatening to shut it down?

    Less sick than someone who promotes pedophilia, Gerald.
    Oh, so every time you dox someone on your website, it’s your responsibility? Thanks for admitting it, Gerald.

    Looks like BS doesn’t really care.

    Are you sure you mean “fishing” and not “fisting”?