Search results for: “bulgingsnake”

  • Mazel Tov to Bulgingsnake upon finally reaching adulthood!

    Mazel Tov to Bulgingsnake upon finally reaching adulthood!

    Alas, the Disqus comment section on TGO is no more. The video can be found here or you can just go to TGO itself:

    Dude was high as fuck, but seemed sincere-ish. Quite a realization that telling dick jokes and arguing with strangers 24/7 on the interwebs is not the way to go!

    If you’re feeling nostalgic, try these links:

  • Bulgingsnake vs. Wishin-he-wasn’t-a-pedopologist Deathmatch!

    Bulgingsnake vs. Wishin-he-wasn’t-a-pedopologist Deathmatch!

    Oh look! Some idiot’s given Bulgingsnake an ultimatum. Why? Who knows? More importantly, who cares? It’s just hilarious:

    But wait, there’s more! This is the same idiot who encourages pedophilia:

    Yep, that 12 year old asked to be raped by your buddy, Wishy! Get gang raped in prison where you belong.

    LOSER =WISHIN, as always!

    Go ban some more people who don’t give a fuck from your “realms”, sweetie! Maybe, someday, tommy will even come back to play with you!

  • 2020 ATDT Highlights

    2020 ATDT Highlights

    They were simpler times back then (at the beginning of 2020). We started with potatogate and solar minimums:

    Mashed potatoes are
    the spawn of satan!
    A purple haired bitch said so!

    Downvoters were revealed and liars lied as always.

    Then, the coronavirus hit us – it was a “panoramic treat”!

    We sailed on the seas of dumb ships, and several new ATDT shows began, including:

    We got trolls’ hopes up by moving to a new webhost. Even Harvey Sphincter showed up!

    Several hilarious feuds commenced, some with people who don’t exist.

    Trolls took no responsibility for their own actions. Oh, and lots of dregs.

    And, most importantly, we got rid of the biggest troll of them all.

    Here’s to looking forward to 2021!

  • Newsflash:  TGO shut down!

    Newsflash: TGO shut down!

    Pedo-pal Wishin-he-wasn’t-insane has claimed that Attention Whore Eri has had TGO shut down:

    LOL good luck shutting ATDT down, losers!

    But wait – wasn’t he the one constantly whining about TGO and threatening to shut it down?

    Less sick than someone who promotes pedophilia, Gerald.
    Oh, so every time you dox someone on your website, it’s your responsibility? Thanks for admitting it, Gerald.

    Looks like BS doesn’t really care.

    Are you sure you mean “fishing” and not “fisting”?
  • Spotting Incelery in the Wild

    Spotting Incelery in the Wild

    An incel is a loser who can’t get laid, mainly because they are convinced they’re entitled to sex even though they’re massively unattractive and don’t even have a decent personality to make up for it. They are also known as “nice guys”.

    One way to spot an incel is that they get extremely angry when you turn them down for sex (or even just ban them from a discussion forum).

    Or, even if you’re a piece of shit they don’t want to fuck. HOW DARE THEY?
    OH NO! Is your hand broken? Can you not afford a fleshlight? Is whining on the internet about not getting laid what “it’s like to be a man”?
    Sorry, you’re just an asshole. Maybe you should look into men instead.

    Another way to spot an incel, according to some British Orthodontists (not an oxymoron, apparently), is that they have no discernible chin and turn to YouTube to remedy this:

    Of course, the easiest method is to spot them being run-of-the-mill misogynist pigs.

    [See this entire post about pedopologists for examples: Bulgingsnake vs. Wishin-he-wasn’t-a-pedopologist Deathmatch!]

    Incels on the internet are abundant. Now that you’re armed with the information you need, you’ll be able to spot them immediately!

    Good Luck!

  • Dregs of Disqus Roundup: Trouble in Paradise/Eye Bleach Edition

    Dregs of Disqus Roundup: Trouble in Paradise/Eye Bleach Edition

    So many dregs, so little time!

    Part I: Trouble in Paradise

    First off, we have the whiny, misogynistic, idiotic, Munchausen-by-Internet, self-proclaimed “nice guys” love triangle no one wanted, Meaka, Paul, and DTX, dashed to pieces on the shores of Meaka’s constant stupidity.

    Summary: Moms: Hell no. Doxxing people with your crazy boyfriend’s help: A-OK!

    If only that were true, Meaka. You have never spent LESS time on Disqus. Ever.

    It’s the same thing that’s going on in Meaka’s mind at all times, Pinky: “PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!”

    Takes a super troll to know a super troll, sweetie.

    We really didn’t need to hear about your fantasies, Paul.

    But at least one self-hating woman is the voice of reason:

    And it’s always the same set of shitty songs, too. And don’t forget the cat pics and sudden interest in animals that pops up at the same time!

    Too bad she still hits on morons on the internet every day. But I suppose a gal’s gotta make a living in addition to social security!

    And speaking of social security, we’ve got another utter lie in print, courtesy of Wishin He Had More Than One Working Brain Cell:

    LOLOLOLOL “Drama Free” LOLOLOLOL “safe from harassment and stalking” LOLOLOLOLOL “entertaining, educational and informative” CAN’T BREATHE, LAUGHING TOO HARD, CALL AMBULANCE

    But oh, no! There’s more trouble in paradise! CLASS ACTION SUIT AHOY!

    Are “trolls” and “racists who pretend other people are racists” protected classes now?


    Part II: Eye Bleach

    Wishin He Wasn’t a Massive Hypocrite, aka the self-proclaimed “nicest person evah” tells us all his sexual fantasies about Gus (and vice versa):

    PROTIP: You’re not making yourself look any better by admitting you’re a drunken wife beater, Gerald.

    …pictures you obvously masturbate to.

    Okay, this is accurate. I got nothin’

    See? Told you!

    When even Bulgingsnake thinks you’re a moron, that clinches it:

    And we couldn’t get away without some granny eye bleach:

    You’re welcome! See ya next time!