Author: Coccyx

  • Troll & Disorder

    Troll & Disorder

    M’lud may it please the court, I would like to present some new information about a local troll. It has been assumed that Desert Woman (aka @disqus_K7CYOswAe3) is one of Pudendum’s billion socks due to the blatant racism and antisemitism “she” constantly spouts. However, the Google machine thinks otherwise:


    Let’s see. So is MC:

    Racist? Check
    Anti-Semitic? Check
    A Fucking Moron? Check

    Google and I rest our case.

    Rebuttals welcome.

  • The Clubhouse is Back and Open for Business!

    The Clubhouse is Back and Open for Business!

    That’s right, folks! The Clubhouse is open! What scintillating wonders await you there? It’s a surprise!

    Passwords will be provided to All-Stars (except for moronic ones), the G6, and G6 adjacents.

    For now, go ahead and chat (so I can get your IPEEZ).

  • Welcome to our new home!

    Welcome to our new home!

    Thanks to the voluminous donations we received, As the Disq Turns is proud to announce we’ve moved from Wix, which was a pain in the ass to use, here to our new home! Please be patient while the comment sections update here; we all know that our biggest fans – the sad, lonely, basement-dwelling troll brigade and their many sock accounts – would be crushed without the ability to screenshot our comments (and posts) from their original sources. But don’t worry! You can still reach us at We will be here whenever you need us, in perpetuity.

    AtDT loves its donors! We’d like to thank:

    The Forkless Foundation
    The G6
    Black Lives Matter
    Bill Gates
    Our various anonymous donors, and our largest investor:

    Without you, this move wouldn’t have been possible!

  • Uh-OH


    I’d better get a lawyer. Is Johnnie Cochran’s ghost available?

    In the meantime, please contribute to the “Troll Lives Don’t Matter/Coccyx Legal Fund” by clicking the donate button at the top of the page.

  • Must see AtDT TV

    Must see AtDT TV

    First, there’s “Things White Supremacists Say”, a compilation like “America’s Funniest Home Videos”, but starring racists! A few examples:

    Then, we have a slightly more somber dramedy called “No Dick Pablo”, the story of a ‘man’ who is so concerned with other people’s genitals because his own shriveled up and fell off at a bus stop. Case in point:

    And finally, there’s “Slap the Moron”, a game show where the person who smacks an idiot Disqus poster the hardest wins! Some previous smackees:

    The moron who gets slapped the most receives the prize below:


  • Announcing a new ATDT sitcom!

    Announcing a new ATDT sitcom!

    It’s the sitcom you’ve all been waiting for!

    Will wishin-he-had-a-brain ever realize that no one gives a fuck about his screeds? Will Pony keep making wishin-he-wasn’t-a-moron look like a fool? Stay tuned!

  • An important message from AtDT

    An important message from AtDT

    In this time of pandemics and racial unrest, it’s important to remember that Disqus is SO MUCH WORSE! #1stworldtrollproblems

    Remember when…

    Ferd (and others) cried like a little bitch about All Stars on some random site on the internet? I assume this was the start of his fake “heart problems”:

    Deb made a petition whining about something or other Disqus-related?

    I made fun of stupid petitions by making my own petition and the trolls went [more] insane?

    Wishin’-he-had-a-penis didn’t know (a) what harassment is, (b) how to look up an address on Google, and (c) what “forthcoming” means?

    Make sure to take off your masks, guys! You all know what’s happening in the real world is a false flag operation to distract for everything that’s wrong with Disqus!

  • What a dumbship

    What a dumbship

    Just sit right back and you’ll watch a tale

    of a dude so full of shit

    he couldn’t spell the word “shit” right

    because his brain’s unfit

  • Choose your conspiracy theory!

    Choose your conspiracy theory!

    We know which one wishywashy picked!

  • A treat for ATDT’s fans!

    A treat for ATDT’s fans!

    ATDT loves its fans so much that we have a new t-shirt up for sale at our

    You’re welcome, people who hate ATDT so much they visit several times a day!

    Of course, all your old favorites are still available, too!

    Thanks, trolls!

  • Newsflash:  Trolls miss ATDT!

    Newsflash: Trolls miss ATDT!

    EAST DUMBFUCK: Trolls, who constantly whined about ATDT on a daily basis, are now up in arms because there haven’t been any new posts in a while:

    Don’t worry! ATDT is still alive and kicking!

    Thanks for pointing out what your blogs are like, guys — boring and samey. You forgot filled with racists, though! HI SWEATTY!

    Grandma Meth, one of the loudest complainers about ATDT, has been visiting ATDT on a daily basis (as usual). A reliable source tells ATDT that Paul is just sad because a certain someone isn’t showing him her tits. This is because she’s been getting it on with Granny and ATDT on the side.

    In other news, Granny Meth thinks that the Deathwatch channel, channels about SciFi TV, music channels, and every other channel was a “satire” “blog”, proving once again she has no idea what satire is.

    It’s only satire when people say fake nice things about you when you die, Granny. Hopefully, that will be soon. Thanks Coronavirus!

    So there’s no need to fear, trolls! ATDT is here to laugh at you, as always.