Oh where oh where has our little Realms gone?

Oh where oh where could it be?

With its micropeens and fake news all day long?

Oh where oh where can it be?

Together at Last!
Oh where oh where has our little Realms gone?
Oh where oh where could it be?
With its micropeens and fake news all day long?
Oh where oh where can it be?
Together at Last!
I feel like we’ve returned to a golden age, one before a fat moron was elected by bought votes and stupid people. A happier time. A better time. (With the exception of Ferd kicking the bucket more recently – that was fucking GREAT.)
And just because it’s fucking hilarious, here’s a doctor telling wishes-he-had-a-working-penis that he’s an idiot:
Hello, fellow kids! You’ll be glad to know that even though ATDT has been on hiatus for quite a while, I’m still apparently working behind the scenes to get rid of Tommy’s Disqus Bots under an assumed name that I’ve never even heard of! GO ME!
Not to mention I also died from receiving COVID shots! (Just had my fifth one for Omicron! Again, GO ME for being dead and another person all at once!)
So, as the ghost of Coccyx, I am here to warn you: ALL YOUR BOTS ARE BELONG TO ME!
That’s right ladies, gentlemen, and troll hangers-on — a pool cleaner has found some cures for COVID!*
Isn’t that amazing? Apparently, having blood, taking geriatric vitamins, and huffing chlorine, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide could have saved hundreds of thousands of people! If you have any of the following symptoms, at least you’re dying from something that’s not COVID! Tell your friends to start huffing right away!**
And look! There’s a SCIENTIFIC STUDY and shit!*** An excerpt:
Oh, look! Here’s another study: Hydrogen peroxide poisoning
So remember, everyone! Pool cleaners are experts in COVID now! It’s a whole new world!
*DISCLAIMER: None of the things mentioned are preventatives or cures for COVID. Do not try them at home, unless you really want to kill yourselves.
**DISCLAIMER: Don’t do this either.
*** The “and shit” makes it totally gangsta.
Be thankful you’re not a racist piece of shit, like these folks:
Be thankful you didn’t get caught pretending to be black and gay when you’re a fat, white incel:
Be thankful you’re not these idiots:
But most of all, be thankful that AtDT will always be here for your “laughing at morons” needs!
Looks like everyone’s favorite “self-published” Kindle “book” is getting a sequel!
In Succubus 2: The Hydroxycholoroquine Factor, a new character, Dr. (I’m not a real doctor, I have a degree from a Cracker Jack box … in Science!) Stella Immanuel attempts to cure people of Succubus possession by using a drug she found for 5 for $1 at her local dollar store. Oh, and prayer. Don’t forget prayer!
Russian bot Facebook posters and the current president of the United States think this book will be a big hit! Buy it today!
In an amazing turn of events, drug maker Pfizer (known mainly for Pro-Exit) has determined that masks protect users from 5G frequencies. An official announcement is expected later today.
Public reaction has been highly favorable:
“I used to make up stories about how masks were bad for you because I’m a complete moron, but now that I know that they’ll protect me from 5G, I’ll wear a whole shipload,” said an anonymous source.
“This is the bigliest news ever! Bow down to me for stopping both COVID and 5G in their tracks! It’s a great day for Russia!” said President Trump.
You can tune into the upcoming news conference here.
Sometimes, you think you’ve read the dumbest thing a troll has ever said, and then you run across a complete moron who denies climate change because, quote unquote, ” we are at a solar minimum”.
Where else can we use this completely inane, nonsensical phrase that has jack shit to do with global warming? Hmmmm…
Roses are red
We are at a solar
minmum. That’s why, asshole!
What other stupid troll shit have you run across? Share in the comments!
Not since
In honor of this momentous occasion, let’s all haiku (yes it’s a verb fuck you). I’ll begin:
Potatogate is
literally the dumbest
thing Meaka’s done yet.
Meaka is so dumb
she blubbers :
What say you?