Hold the presses! An internet troll has found several “cures” for COVID!

That’s right ladies, gentlemen, and troll hangers-on — a pool cleaner has found some cures for COVID!* Isn’t that amazing? Apparently, having blood, taking geriatric vitamins, and huffing chlorine, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide could have saved hundreds of thousands of people! If you have any of the following symptoms, at least you’re dying from something…

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NEWSFLASH: Masks protect users from 5G

In an amazing turn of events, drug maker Pfizer (known mainly for Pro-Exit) has determined that masks protect users from 5G frequencies. An official announcement is expected later today. Public reaction has been highly favorable: “I used to make up stories about how masks were bad for you because I’m a complete moron, but now…

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We are at a solar minimum

Sometimes, you think you’ve read the dumbest thing a troll has ever said, and then you run across a complete moron who denies climate change because, quote unquote, ” we are at a solar minimum”. Where else can we use this completely inane, nonsensical phrase that has jack shit to do with global warming? Hmmmm……

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