Which name should ATDT pick in order to rebrand ourselves as a true news source?
Link to poll (just in case): https://linkto.run/p/JJDM3K8M
Link to poll (just in case): https://linkto.run/p/JJDM3K8M
We haven’t had a new quiz in a while, so here you go!
As the Disq Turns may be many things – a place to write haiku, a troll magnet, a large man in leather named Sven, for example – but what we really are is a community. That’s why I’d like to put the latest idiocy up for a vote.
Please read the following snippets from the usual suspects and then take the poll.
~Coccyx, All Star & G6 4-EVA
Look at the non-downvoters! Oh wait
Even more non-downvoters!
“We never downvote!” Of course you don’t. LOL