Category: Trolls Being Trolls

  • In Soviet Russia, You Troll Russian Bot!

    In Soviet Russia, You Troll Russian Bot!

    It looks like some Russian bot is upset that it’s been banned at AtDT.

    And it’s apparently related to Gerald because it can’t figure out who moderates here. Sorry Ms. G!

    But maybe it’s all a mistake. Let’s see what scintillating conversation this bot offers:

    Not only is Disqus a shitty platform, but you can tell YOURSELF it’s a shitty platform over and over again! Such cheek!
    So very scintillating! Like “hey sweatty” all over again!
    Per Google Translate: “Time to form a milf evacuation squad immediately!!”

    Well, that cinches it! You’re totally unbanned, disqus shitty platform!

  • Pathetic troll threatens to take AtDT down…again

    Pathetic troll threatens to take AtDT down…again

    …because it’s worked every other time he’s threatened AtDT – oh wait

    This pathetic troll is awed and fascinated by the size of Forkless’s e-peen. You can just see the drool drip down his face at the thought of butting up against Forkless’s manhood:

    And he’s still pretending he “blocks AtDT“. Bless.

    Maybe he should call in a fake Zeta sock – oh wait

    He and this guy should get together. Wait, now they can be together forever!

    Now for sale!

    It’s a happy ending!

  • Bulgingsnake vs. Wishin-he-wasn’t-a-pedopologist Deathmatch!

    Bulgingsnake vs. Wishin-he-wasn’t-a-pedopologist Deathmatch!

    Oh look! Some idiot’s given Bulgingsnake an ultimatum. Why? Who knows? More importantly, who cares? It’s just hilarious:

    But wait, there’s more! This is the same idiot who encourages pedophilia:

    Yep, that 12 year old asked to be raped by your buddy, Wishy! Get gang raped in prison where you belong.

    LOSER =WISHIN, as always!

    Go ban some more people who don’t give a fuck from your “realms”, sweetie! Maybe, someday, tommy will even come back to play with you!

  • Announcing a new ATDT sitcom!

    Announcing a new ATDT sitcom!

    It’s the sitcom you’ve all been waiting for!

    Will wishin-he-had-a-brain ever realize that no one gives a fuck about his screeds? Will Pony keep making wishin-he-wasn’t-a-moron look like a fool? Stay tuned!

  • What a dumbship

    What a dumbship

    Just sit right back and you’ll watch a tale

    of a dude so full of shit

    he couldn’t spell the word “shit” right

    because his brain’s unfit

  • Choose your conspiracy theory!

    Choose your conspiracy theory!

    We know which one wishywashy picked!

  • And now, Babyracist inadvertently shares her love of porn with the world

    And now, Babyracist inadvertently shares her love of porn with the world

    Thanks for letting us know you like nudity in Disney cartoons, sweet pussies and nude pics of “mature ebony” with your “MS”!

  • Congratulations to our top 3 downvoters!

    Congratulations to our top 3 downvoters!

    As you probably already realized, you can see who downvoted you (or others) now!

    Top scores go to sock accounts ”

    Congratulations on being the biggest losers I’ve come across!

    Runners up include:

    And many others. Try harder next time!


    See you after their new sock accounts get made!

  • We are at a solar minimum

    We are at a solar minimum

    Sometimes, you think you’ve read the dumbest thing a troll has ever said, and then you run across a complete moron who denies climate change because, quote unquote, ” we are at a solar minimum”.

    Where else can we use this completely inane, nonsensical phrase that has jack shit to do with global warming? Hmmmm…

    Roses are red

    We are at a solar

    minmum. That’s why, asshole!

    What other stupid troll shit have you run across? Share in the comments!



    Not since

    In honor of this momentous occasion, let’s all haiku (yes it’s a verb fuck you). I’ll begin:

    Potatogate is

    literally the dumbest

    thing Meaka’s done yet.

    Meaka is so dumb

    she blubbers :

    What say you?

  • It’s the “reply to a complete moron with a GIF” Fest!

    It’s the “reply to a complete moron with a GIF” Fest!

    Are complete morons tagging you to ask you stupid questions that they already know the answers to? Is a complete racist being completely racist on the internet? Is some old woman making up shit again? Reply with a GIF here! I’ll begin:

    Moron #1:

    Reply to Moron #1:

    Moron #2:

    Reply to Moron #2:

    Moron #3, Part 1:

    Reply to Moron #3, Part 1:

    Moron #3, Part 2:

    Reply to Moron #3, Part 2:


    Now it’s your turn!