It’s trailer time!

Since the movie theaters reopened to show new movies instead of old ones here, I’ve covered myself in Lysol and seen four movies. I only really liked one of them, and it wasn’t Tenet (which was fine, but I know Inception, sir, and it was no Inception). It was The Personal History of David Copperfield….

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Must see AtDT TV

First, there’s “Things White Supremacists Say”, a compilation like “America’s Funniest Home Videos”, but starring racists! A few examples: Then, we have a slightly more somber dramedy called “No Dick Pablo”, the story of a ‘man’ who is so concerned with other people’s genitals because his own shriveled up and fell off at a bus…

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What’s good on TV?

And now, for a post unrelated to morons on the internet, we have “What’s good on TV?” (because people really seem to want recommendations). “TV” can include internet shows, too, because I’m nice like that. My current faves: Mr Robot (the final season), #sadface Watchmen, #lolpoorracists The Mandalorian, #thingsbabyyodadoes I got through 3 episodes of…

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