Fashion with a capital wtF

Ready for your night on the town, budding fashionista? Well, then you’d better powder up and put on your clear plastic bralet (£5) and denim janties ($315). Then, find that Prada Frankenstein T-shirt you threw into a drawer somewhere! Only £415! Hmmm, should you go for a skinny jean or a flare? PORQUE NO LOS…

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Results of the “Disqus Home Troll Baiting Experiment”

As my esteemed colleagues already know, the Disqus Home experiment recently concluded after approximately 3 years. An summary of our study methodology and results follows: We investigated whether a group of commenters known for their constant demonstrated antisocial behavior (such as racism, sexism, general trolling, etc) who we designated as “MALCONTENTS” for study purposes, would…

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