Tag: trailer central LIVES!

  • The Greatest (Twitter) Story Ever Told – Now a Movie!

    The Greatest (Twitter) Story Ever Told – Now a Movie!

    I’m so freaking excited. That’s right – the story of a stripper’s “ho trip” is coming to the big screen! The original Twitter story is here: https://genius.com/Zolarmoon-twitter-story-annotated

    The trailer:

    Jarrett better be ON POINT!

    RUNS TOWARDS THEIR BALCONY & JUMPS!! I swear to GOD. bible. He fucking jumped. I screamed SO LOUD my heart stopped Jess runs towards the balcony & this nigga jarrett was hanging. He didn’t fall all the way. He was stuck by his pants. THANK GOD!!!! We were only on the 4th floor but he still wouldve died. It was a good drop. So jess is helping him & i call z lmfaoo. Still crying

  • Trailers!


    Some new trailers that may or may not look like crap.

    I am unimpressed. Looks more like Children of the Corn.
    Completely not how I pictured Vimes.
    Maybe? Meh
    I have no idea WTF this is about, but looks interesting
    I’m sure Alan Moore hates this
    Norwegian Firestarter?
    I’ll watch any Pegg/Frost thing

    Discuss amongst yourselves.

  • It’s trailer time!

    It’s trailer time!

    Since the movie theaters reopened to show new movies instead of old ones here, I’ve covered myself in Lysol and seen four movies. I only really liked one of them, and it wasn’t Tenet (which was fine, but I know Inception, sir, and it was no Inception). It was The Personal History of David Copperfield. The other two: Bill & Ted: Nostalgia couldn’t save it, and The New Mutants: Crap.

    General disappointment notwithstanding, I am looking forward to seeing more movies somewhere other than on my computer again. Anyway are some random trailers for upcoming movies. Talk amongst yourselves.

    Save Yourselves!
    Dune: The 83rd Adaptation
    No Time To Die: Featuring “Over It” Bond
    The (Sparkly) Batman
    Wonder Woman 1984