
The Archive is Open!

In case you missed it, the As the Disq Turns Archive is now up and running! SEE the constant butthurt of trolls! HEAR their incessant whining that started it all! TASTE the rainbow of utter stupidity! SMELL the teen spirit! FEEL the nostalgia! Visit the As the Disq Turns Archive today! Now with more downvotes!

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Fun with Search Terms

If you hadn’t noticed, there’s now a Search Page where you can search AtDT to find that elusive post about [fill in the blank] that you swore you read here, but can’t find again. Well, it looks like some, let’s say interesting people have found it. First, we have the people who just want to…

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Fashion with a capital wtF

Ready for your night on the town, budding fashionista? Well, then you’d better powder up and put on your clear plastic bralet (£5) and denim janties ($315). Then, find that Prada Frankenstein T-shirt you threw into a drawer somewhere! Only £415! Hmmm, should you go for a skinny jean or a flare? PORQUE NO LOS…

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Results of the “Disqus Home Troll Baiting Experiment”

As my esteemed colleagues already know, the Disqus Home experiment recently concluded after approximately 3 years. An summary of our study methodology and results follows: We investigated whether a group of commenters known for their constant demonstrated antisocial behavior (such as racism, sexism, general trolling, etc) who we designated as “MALCONTENTS” for study purposes, would…

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Once upon a time in trolland…

Once upon a time, poor little Mariam the Shitlover rolled around in her own shit and called it roses. She did it so often that no one paid attention to her. So, she complained about people using “bad words” and pretended she was a “good person” and called others “scum” while constantly posting pictures of…

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